How to Bulk Add or Update Tags and Lists for Leads in Kartra (2021 Edition)

Get your leads organized and setup in Kartra

This article is going to help you with the following situations (they also have natural overlap):

  1. You have been using another Customer Relationship Management (CRM) or marketing automation software (ActiveCampaign, Close, HubSpot, etc) and you are moving to Kartra
  2. You have already setup Kartra but you want to mass update leads with tags
  3. You have already been using Kartra but you want to mass organize your leads and add them to various lists

The first situation has a lot of overlap with the other 2 situations i.e. you will likely want to add tags to leads and import them into various lists when you first import them into Kartra.


This article outlines how the file you import into Kartra, using its “Bulk import” feature, needs to be structured, and the basic flow of the feature.

I wrote this article because adding multiple tags and adding leads to lists during importing was not well-documented (in my opinion).

If you have not signed up for Kartra yet

If you want to give it a try after the article, you can get a 14-day free trial here

(this is an affiliate link if you’d like to support me, and I’ll have a smoothie in your honor)

If by the end of the article, you’d still like help with Katra, click the “Send Me a Message” link above.


Note: If you prefer to watch a video walk-through, you can watch below..

The Data


Kartra requires data to be a comma-separated list (CSV) to be imported. Below is a quick example of the dummy data this article will use, and how to download it as a CSV.


Importantly; most CRM and marketing automation software allows you to export your lead information as a CSV. The information will usually be more complex and have many more fields than this example, but the principles are the same.



The dummy data used for this example, indicating some of the important columns and way the data must look


In Google Sheets, you can easily download data as a CSV.



Downloading data as a CSV from Google Sheets is easy


In the data, there are 3 important columns for this example:


  • Email
  • Tags
  • Lists


Email is important and a non-negotiable because it’s Kartra’s only required field for bulk imports. All other information, first name, last name, address, country, tags, lists, etc, are just bonuses if you have them.


Important things about the “Tags” and “Lists” columns; they do not have to be called “Tags” and “ListS”, they were named this way for simplicity, but the most import thing about them..


The multiple tags and lists that you include in those columns need to be seperated by a semi-colon, “;” (I have that done that with an example in the “Tags” column).


You also cannot have spaces in the tags and list names that you include.


Importing the Data into Kartra


Importing the data is the easy part.


Preparing the data, organizing it cleaning it, etc, if you have a lot of it, is the hard part.


If you’d like some help preparing your leads to be imported into Kartra, or setting up Kartra for your needs, click the button to send me a no-pressure, no strings-attached message and I can learn a bit more about your situation and how I may be able to help.


Let’s Get Your Leads Imported and Kartra Setup




  1. Head to “My Communications” and make sure you’re viewing the “Leads” tab at the top.
  2. Click the big green plus button in the bottom-right corner. This button means, “Add leads”





The big green button to manually add leads in Kartra


3. Choose the “Import a batch of leads”. This is the bulk import feature



The 2 options for importing leads into Kartra, a single lead or bulk


4. In our situation (and most situations), you will be importing a file into Kartra with our leads. You can see below it mentions CSV files. As discussed, most CRM and marketing automation software will allow you to export a CSV file



The screen during the leads import to use a file


Mapping the CSV Columns to Kartra


The last of the “tricky” steps is mapping the columns and fields in our CSV file to the fields in Kartra.


As mentioned, the dummy data for this article is very simple. Email is the only required field, but there may be many fields you want to map from your data into Kartra.


I cannot include every example but you can choose the best field from the drop-down, or create a custom field (as shown below).


The important parts regarding tags and lists are highlighted in red.



If you scroll down in the drop-down list, you will see 2 options which are in a different “sections”, “Tags” and “Lists”.


Next to those field, it even says, “Semicolon seperated”. This is the reason we’ve discussed structuring your data in the specific way discussed.


Important: The tags and lists do not need to exist yet in Kartra if you include them in the data, Kartra will automatically create them.


Updating Existing Leads


All the steps followed above apply to updating existing leads in Kartra as well.


In this situation, we just need the Email and whichever columns we want to update (tags and lists), so your CSV file can be a lot simpler if you’re importing data from another platform.


As well, you could simply not choose an option from the drop-down when importing the fields.


If the email address being imported already exists in Kartra, it will simply update.


This will not delete any previous lists or tags applied to the lead, they will be added as additional.




In this article we discussed how to apply either multiples tags to leads, or add leads to lists in Kartra in bulk. It is not complicated, but it was not well-documented in my opinion.


The most important part is;


  • Your data needs to be structured nicely in a CSV
  • You need seperate columns for tags and lists
  • The values in the tags and lists columns need to be seperated by semi-colons
  • If a lead with the given email address already exists in Kartra, they will simply be updated




If you have not signed up for Kartra yet, you can get a 14-day free trial here (this is an affiliate link if you’d like to support me, and I’ll have a smoothie in your honor)

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